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Return (method, parsed, *args, **kwargs)įile 'C:\Users\Randy\Desktop\New BL Game\seiyuudanshi-windows-final(4)\SeiyuuDanshiFinal-pc\renpy\', line 177, in callįile 'C:\Users\Randy\Desktop\New BL Game\seiyuudanshi-windows-final(4)\SeiyuuDanshiFinal-pc\renpy\', line 1330, in pause Full Traceback -įile 'officecomplex.rpyc', line 122, in script callįile 'underwear.rpyc', line 394, in scriptįile 'C:\Users\Randy\Desktop\New BL Game\seiyuudanshi-windows-final(4)\SeiyuuDanshiFinal-pc\renpy\', line 1828, in executeįile 'C:\Users\Randy\Desktop\New BL Game\seiyuudanshi-windows-final(4)\SeiyuuDanshiFinal-pc\renpy\', line 1816, in call

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IOError: Couldn't find file 'underwear/1_idle.webp'. I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.įile 'renpy/common/000statements.rpy', line 416, in execute_pause so if you know a fix I may need step by step ) It not only happens when you try to change your underwear at home but also when I go to the mall to buy underwear. I updated the game to the newest version 10 as well but still have the issue. Undewear Issue: So I noticed that the underwear issue isnt just me.

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